Can You Have 3 Pair in Texas Hold’Em?

Pairs are one of the premier starting hands in poker. They provide plenty of pre-flop value and can be raised effectively, yet many novice players overestimate the power of their pair and don’t extract maximum value from it. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to correctly play pocket pairs while avoiding common pitfalls.

At first, it’s crucial that you understand the difference between pairs and 3-of-a-kind. While both rank equally, there are some key distinctions you need to be mindful of: three-of-a-kind is higher ranked but more challenging to form; therefore if playing large pots, betting less aggressively with your pair than with three-of-a-kind may be appropriate.

Be mindful that while it is possible to form a straight with two cards, doing so is much harder than creating a flush – since a straight requires five consecutive cards of any suit to form it, while four from only one suit are needed for its formation.

Your stack size will play an integral part in how you play pairs. For instance, early on in a tournament it would probably not be wise to raise with your lowest pair as doing so would put you at an unfair advantage against players with more chips; however, raising with such pair may be appropriate in late position when blinds are relatively low.

Note that when betting with your pair, it is always advisable to check for draws on the flop. This will give you an increased chance of outwitting any rival hands in the pot and increasing your winnings. But be careful not to overdo this practice and check every time you have two cards; recreational players often make this mistake which results in wasted funds being discarded by simply checking too often!

Remembering the probability of flopping a flush or straight from a pair is low, which is why it is often best to bet your pair rather than betting suited connectors with high kickers. This holds especially true if your opponent tends to call many raises; in this instance, raising more often with your pairs can increase value while decreasing errors; on the other hand, if they call frequently without weak hands then call more frequently while wagering less aggressively may be more appropriate.